Miles for Smiles (Burketeers' run 10K in aid of Operation Smile 10th July)

I hadn't aimed to be in London over the weekend of the run, so I didn't bother entering it, I couldn't justify the expense of going to London yet again. However, at a later date I was asked if I fancied watching The Deep Blue Sea again and of course there was no way I could decline such an offer, so I ended up going down to London town after all!

With regard to the play on the Saturday night, it was wonderful to be able to watch it a second time around. You get the opportunity to notice things that you didn't acknowledge either when reading the play, or watching it for the first time. I think some subtle changes had also taken place, when Freddie came back at the end of the play his intentions were a little clearer; this time he untied Hester's dressing gown showing that he was hoping she would succumb to his advances.

One of the overwhelming things second time around is noticing how the audience reacts around you. This time, I was more aware of how shocked and disgusted the audience became when Freddie slammed the shilling on the table before he stormed out of the flat. Even after reading the play several times and having watched it twice, I still find I am on "team Freddie". Helen McCrory does a wonderful job in playing Hester, but I still find the character too needy, too manipulative. The way in which Freddie finds out that she has tried to kill herself is such a shock to him, I can understand both his anger and his nastiness towards her. I know I have been able to say the most hurtful things to those closest to me when angry, so perhaps that is why I am less judgmental of him when he slams that shilling down. It is an action intentionally done to hurt Hester, and possibly the harshest action Freddie could take to show just how upset, hurt and betrayed he felt by her.

I'm going to try giving Rattigan a little break now, but I'll be back to watch DBS in September... a little birthday treat to myself! Well that's the excuse I'm using. It'll be interesting to see how I feel after a break from his writing, I have found it so enjoyable finding his works and reading them.

The next day, the day of the run was a little overcast, but that was perfect for running. As I wasn't taking part, I felt I could be useful as camera woman for the day, so I borrowed my friends camera and kept popping up along the route to take pictures of team Burketeers and to cheer my friends home. It was a really enjoyable morning actually and nice to see the camaraderie between everyone. So many people taking part in the run were dressed up, we all laughed as a group of men dressed like the Spice Girls walked past us, as they made their way to the start of the run.

Team Burketeer did Operation Smile proud. Everyone got round without accident, which really for Burketeers is somewhat unusual, and everyone who took part seemed to enjoy themselves. So much so, I'm even contemplating taking part myself next year! Afterwards we all met up in the park, and it was a great opportunity to speak to the new committee at Operation Smile and explain a little about the Burketeers and how they have helped to raise funds and awareness for this great cause. The weather brightened up after the run, so the runners freshened up, and we all headed to the South Bank to grab some lunch, some well earned booze and a good Burketeer gossip. As per usual, sitting round a table having a natter made the weekend, and as I got up to head towards my train home I was accompanied by a somewhat tired and stiffened Janet..."I'm feeling quite robotic" she quipped. Seriously, she never fails to amaze me with her turn of phrase, and so it was a fond and hysterical goodbye to London...for a little while at least ;-)

If you want to show your support for Operation Smile, just click on the links!

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